2030 SDGs

UNEP-DHI co-hosting a session at the World Water Forum


For the 9th time, the World Water Forum will bring together participants from all over the world and from across all sectors: politics, NGOs, academia, civil society, and the private sector, to collaborate in finding solutions to global water challenges. 

Motivated by the findings of the latest SDG 6.5.1 progress reports, which reveal insufficient and uncoordinated financing to be one of the biggest barriers to implementation of IWRM, UNEP-DHI will be co-organising, together with GWP and UNEP, a session on “Financing our future: shared funding mechanisms for managing shared water resources”. The session will take place on the first day of the Forum, Monday March 21st, from 14.00 to 15.30 local time in Room 3 of the Expo Hall.

By providing specific examples of how countries are using multiple funding sources to finance the protection of their water resources, as well as sharing experiences in diverse financing mechanisms, such as user-pays or donor support, the session aims to enhance common understanding and advance financing for IWRM at all levels.

Partners to the session include, among others, the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), The Senegal River Basin Development Organization (OMVS), and the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

Come by and contribute to the discussion by sharing your experiences related to IWRM financing.

For information on the full Forum program, see Master plan – DRAFT | 9th World Water Forum 

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UNEP-DHI Centre on Water and Environment

Agern Allé 5, 2970 Denmark

Tel: +45 45169200